Our Rector is currently on compassionate leave. If you have any questions please contact another member of the team.
Click on any of the links below to take you through to thwebsite:
List of graves in Ockham Church graveyard
Surrey History Centre (Ockham archives)
Local Links
All Saints' Church, Ockham
with St Michael's Chapel, Downside

Our Team
The Parish of Ockham with Hatchford & Downside is part of a Group Ministry with East and West Horsley and Ripley in the deanery of Leatherhead and diocese of Guildford.
Rector: Revd Anna Norton
01483 971755
Assistant Priest: Revd Elisabeth Burke
01932 863886
Licensed Lay Minister: Clare Bevan
Parish office: Email this link
Churchwardens: Sally Pound (Also PCC secretary)
Richard Peters
Treasurer: Liz Hampshire